-----Upcoming Events-----
-----Past Events-----
Fall 2024 Holistic Fair

Date: 9/28/24 - 9/29/24
Time: 10am-5pm both days
Location: The Ranch Events Complex
5280 Arena Cir.
Loveland, CO 80538
Admission: $10/day pass; $15/weekend pass
This was Karen's fourth Belu Olisa Holistic Fair, and second Fall Fair here! She really loves supporting this local event organizing business instead of some of the larger competing ones, and has had pretty great sales at these events thus far! It's a huge bonus to be surrounded by a down-to-earth community--the staff and other vendors can be so generous and kind.
Per usual, Karen sold her birds and mammals oracle decks, her many animal prints, her "Save The Bees!" Coloring Books, her wire-wrapped pendants, and her handmade earrings. Her inventory is expanding, as she added yet another box of earrings and another pendant display rack! And here, she has tons more materials to make even more! She also went a little crazy at the annual Denver Gem Show, so tried to move some extra crystals she doesn't have room for. All that said, here's to hoping she can move more product at the next events.
Pop-Up Shop at Private Broomfield Home
Date: 6/22/24
Time: 2-5pm
Location: 195 Iris St.
Broomfield, CO 80020
Admission: Free!
Link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100028285196924
Karen is honored to be hosted and featured by Robbin Merta, who is a local realtor that runs monthly meet-and-greets out of her home! You can find more info about her here: https://www.remax.com/real-estate-agents/robbin-merta-louisville-co/102061082
Karen will hang original artwork on the walls of Robbin's home, and bring all of her original products to sell: both birds and mammal oracle decks, fine art prints of all of her artwork, "Save The Bees!" Coloring Books, wire-wrapped crystal pendants, and handmade earrings. Karen is looking forward to meeting new people and is grateful to all who plan to stop by!

Into the Wild Race at the Wild Animal Sanctuary

Date: 6/8/24
Time: 7-10am
Location: The Wild Animal Sanctuary
2999 County Road 53
Keenesburg, CO 80643
Admission: Donation-Based
Link: https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/into-the-wild-running-festival
Karen was ecstatic to be back to The Wild Animal Sanctuary's "Into The Wild" Run for the third time! This giant annual race that raises money for the Wild Animal Sanctuary--one of the biggest animal sanctuaries in the country! Thousands of animal lovers far and wide participate in this event; in addition to seeing their hundreds of rescued animals on the property, attendees get to enjoy a memorable day and workout with loved ones. Per usual, it was a joy to interact with so many caring people, most especially those that work/volunteer for the sanctuary! It was a sunny day this time with a great turnout of people. This time, Karen went with a simpler setup: birds and mammal oracle decks, fine art prints of all of her artworks, and handmade earrings.

In lieu of the nonprofit's vendor booth fee and to additional raise money for their rescue work, Karen donated some of her artistic services. Specifically, she was given an authentic, hollow ostrich eggs (from their resident ostriches!) for the third time to paint, and then return to the sanctuary to sell in their shop. Isn't that the coolest?? Karen also gives a huge shoutout and thanks to her partner who was a big help with setting upher booth! To learn more about the Wild Animal Sanctuary, click here: https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/about-us
2024 Colorado Holistic Fair

Date: 4/20/24 - 4/21/24
Time: 10am-5pm both days
Location: Adams County Fairgrounds
9755 Henderson Rd Bldg. 1
Brighton, CO 80601
Admission: $10/day pass; $15/weekend pass
This was Karen's third Belu Olisa Holistic Fair, and first time at this location! She really loves supporting this local event organizing business instead of some of the larger competing ones, and has had pretty great sales at these events thus far! It's a huge bonus to be surrounded by a down-to-earth community--the staff and other vendors can be so generous and kind. Per usual, Karen sold her birds and mammals oracle decks, her many animal prints, her "Save The Bees!" Coloring Books, her wire-wrapped pendants, and her handmade earrings.
Also, Karen was unexpectedly given a corner booth, which meant she had to change her whole booth set-up on the fly. She subsequently purchased neon duct tape to lead customers into her booth, as she decided this was the best way to adapt to the corner booth orientation with the supplies she had on her. So much can go into vendor booth planning!
Spring 2024 Holistic Fair
Date: 3/9/24 - 3/10/24
Time: 10am-5pm both days
Location: The Ranch Events Complex
5280 Arena Cir.
Loveland, CO 80538
Admission: $10/day pass; $15/weekend pass

This was Karen's second Belu Olisa Holistic Fair! She is thrilled to support a local event organizing business instead of some of the larger competing ones, and has had great sales at both events! It's a huge bonus to be surrounded by a down-to-earth community--the staff and other vendors can be so generous and kind. Per usual, Karen sold her birds and mammals oracle decks, her many animal prints, her "Save The Bees!" Coloring Books, her wire-wrapped pendants, and her handmade earrings.

Winter Faire Holiday Market at Yellow Barn Farm

Date: 12/17/23
Time: 11-3pm
Location: Yellow Barn Farm
9417 N Foothills Hwy
Longmont, CO 80503
Admission: Donation Link: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/yellowbarnfarm/1051808

Karen was thrilled to be back at one of Yellow Barn's vendor events! Karen found out about this incredible place and the extraordinary things they are doing through taking the Boulder Permaculture Design Course back in 2022. Yellow Barn Farm is a part of the non-profit DAR (Drylands Agroecology Research) who engage in regenerative practices with permaculture values to improve the landscape (water, fire mitigation), support and foster local ecology, grow and raise healthy, organic food for Boulder County, conduct safe and educational research and experimentation upon the land, and more. See how you can get involved! https://www.dar.eco/get-involved
This event was in perfect timing for lastminute shoppers, where Karen had an indoor booth along with many other fabulous local crafters and businesses. Karen sold her birds and mammal oracle decks, fine art prints, "Save The Bees!" Coloring Books, as well as her handmade earrings and wire-wrapped pendants. It's one thing to sell your products at a vendor event, and it's another to do so whilst surrounded by a heartfelt, grounded, and humble community with aligned values. (Also, Karen forgot to take photos of the event to put on this page, whoops!)
Pongo Lifestyle Parties
Dates: 2023 Events: 12/20, 12/13, 12/6, 10/4, 8/16, 4/2
2022 Events: 12/14, 12/7, 10/12, 8/16, 7/30, 3/15, 3/1, 2/9
2021 Events: 12/22, 12/15, 12/8, 12/1, 10/16
Time: Typically 5-8pm
Location: Pongo Lifestyle Boutique
5738 South Rapp Street
Littleton, CO 80120

Pongo Lifestyle knows how to throw their parties! During the holiday season and for special events, this maximalist boutique goes out of their way to hire live musicians and a bartender to go along with a plethora of food--all free for the public to enjoy! Karen is invited to do some live-painting to add to the array of entertainment at these lively events. She has had the incredible honor of having painted the murals in the entire store, and Pongo Lifestyle also very generously allows Karen to sell her decks and prints at their events. This store truly goes above and beyond to turn over their product for every holiday and season; words don't accurately describe how wondrous this is, you've got to see it for yourself!
This charming shop focuses on selling products that are fair-trade, use upcycled/recycled/thrifted materials, are ethically sourced, support impoverished communities, and come from woman-owned businesses across the world. Also, the owner of Pongo Lifestyle also has worked very hard to create and sell an entire line of palm-free skincare products, all set to match different themes and rooms in the store! In addition to supporting orangutans by avoiding palm oil, a huge amount of their profits are directly donated to the Center for Great Apes, an incredible, altruistic sanctuary for rescued apes. To learn more about Pongo Lifestyle and their mission, please visit: https://www.pongolifestyle.com/ To learn more about the Center for Great Apes: https://centerforgreatapes.org/
Fall 2023 Holistic Fair
Date: 9/16 - 9/17
Time: 10am-5pm both days
Location: The Ranch Events Complex
5280 Arena Cir.
Loveland, CO 80538
Admission: $10/day pass; $15/weekend pass

This was Karen's first Belu Olisa Holistic Fair! She wanted to support a local event organizing business instead of some of the larger competing ones, and has heard fantastic things about this one. And it worked out, because it was overall a successful event with an awesome, down-to-earth community! Karen sold her birds and mammals oracle decks, her many animal prints, her "Save The Bees!" Coloring Books, and her handmade earrings. She definitely wants to attend more of these events in the future!
Katie's Night Gala 2023

Date: 10/5/2023
Time: 5pm-9pm
Location: Reelworks Denver
1399 35th St
Denver, CO 80205
Admission: $75
Link: https://www.katieadamsonconservationfund.org/katiesnight2023
Katie's Night was phenomenal this year! It featured KACF's new documentary on their Tanzanian honeybee and elephant project. I am so proud of this non-profit and how far they have come over the years!! Hundreds of animal lovers and patrons attend this fancy fundraising event, raising money for the incredible animal conservation efforts led by KACF.
Two drawings of Karen's were up for auction, her Bee and Elephant piece (specially made for KACF's Tanzanian project), as well as the live-drawing Karen completed at the event, featuring the Mountain Gorilla. This drawing was paired with the CGA auction item--a trip and stay at the Center for Great Apes, an incredible exclusive ape sanctuary in Florida. The lovely woman who won the trip and drawing said she loved the piece and was looking forward to what will be a most life-changing experience for her! Karen also sold her birds and mammals oracle decks, "Save the Bees!" coloring books, all of her fine art prints, and handmade earrings.
Karen was so honored to once again be invited to this event, as well as so grateful to be working with and around some of the most inspiring, caring people--of whom are just as passionate about preserving our natural world as she is. To learn more about the Katie Adamson Conservation Fund, please visit: http://www.katieadamsonconservationfund.org/
Little Creatures Exhibition - Boulder Public Library

Date: 8/12 - 9/28/2023: Public Viewing
Time: Public Viewing: BPL's Open Hours
Opening Night: 5:00-7:30pm
Location: Boulder Public Library - Main Library
1001 Arapahoe Ave
Boulder, CO 80302
Admission: Free!

It's rare that Karen puts her focus on opportunities that involve more formal gallery showcasing, but she just couldn't resist applying for this show considering how much it aligned with her values. "Little Creatures" was an art exhibition featuring a wide range of artists and mediums, all celebrating insects! Karen's anthem is basically that our pollinators are critical to the survival of life on earth, so she knew exactly what she wanted to paint. Ecosystem Heartbeat" is a 4' wide and 3' long acrylic painting that took Karen about 60 hours to paint. It is a macro view of a local bumble bee species on a local pioneer plant, red clover. It was the greatest honor for Karen be accepted into this extraordinary exhibition, and she put her absolute all into her featured artwork; it's likely her best quality painting to date, considering the time spent on it.
Karen's Artist Statement for "Ecosystem Heartbeat": "The cultural war on "weeds" and the unnatural aesthetics of the American grass lawn is actively harming pollinators, threatening ecosystems at large. I have discerned that even those who dislike insects can not only recognize a bumble bee, but also emotionally connect to it better than other insects. I hope the viewer is able to connect to the micro beauty of the bumblebee and reflect on pollinators' importance for all life to thrive. I also want viewers to consider allowing these no-care-required natural food sources to exist, for the sake of our pollinators, and; consider other ways they can support local pollinators."
If this exhibition wasn't already cool enough, "Little Creatures" is part of a collaboration called "Cool Boulder" that's all about community action to mitigate the effects of climate change. From their website, "The Cool Boulder campaign forms partnerships between the city, local organizations and communities to address the climate crisis and biodiversity loss through nature-based climate action!" Their three initiatives involve expanding pollinator pathways, creating and supporting canopies, and sequestering more carbon in local soils with regenerative practices. This is an incredible campaign that is actively teaching locals on how important our pollinators and healthy ecology are to all of us not only surviving in this polluted world, but thriving. And, there are actually actions each of us can take to help support our local pollinators and ecology! Learn more at: https://www.coolboulder.org/get-involved
"Little Creatures" was open to the public to view from mid August to the end of September, and had a fabulous opening night on August 14th. I was in awe at the talent shining from all of the other artist's work, as well as the incredible variety of art forms and approaches taken to celebrate insects. To be a part of this beautifully presented collective celebration of a most significant and sacred group of living things was one of the highlights of Karen's life thus far.
First Friday Art Walk at REMAX in Downtown Louisville

Date: 8/7/2023
Time: 6-9pm
Location: RE/MAX Elevate
724 Main St
Louisville, CO 80027
Admission: Free!
At last, Karen returned to beloved Downtown Louisville for their First Friday Art Walk! This time it was the REMAX office that allowed her to showcase her artwork on their walls from mid July through mid September. What an honor it was! Karen focused on installing mostly her animal artwork, with a few succulent artworks thrown in. It's Karen's passion to connect viewers with the natural world, so she carefully crafted descriptions of each animal featured: What makes each animal extraordinary? How can we reflect on each animal's qualities and survival strategies and learn to empower ourselves with it?
The first Friday of August involved a bombastic evening, also featuring the artworks of other local artists, including the very talented Robbin Merta and Gabrielle Matisse! We each were present and got to connect with the locals about our work. And what made this evening extra special was having incredible live music played by the sensational Elise Claire! Karen was grateful to be able to also sell her usual wares: birds and mammal oracle decks, fine art prints, "Save The Bees!" Coloring Books, as well as her handmade earrings and wire-wrapped pendants. Karen had a blast participating in First Friday Art Walk again, and she definitely intends to return!
2023 Summer Farm Fest & Artisan Market at Yellow Barn Farm
Date: 6/18/23
Time: 12-4pm
Location: Yellow Barn Farm
9417 N Foothills Hwy
Longmont, CO 80503
Admission: $20

Karen was thrilled to be at one of Yellow Barn's vendor events for the first time! Karen found out about this incredible place and the extraordinary things they are doing through taking the Boulder Permaculture Design Course back in 2022. Yellow Barn Farm is a part of the non-profit DAR (Drylands Agroecology Research) who engage in regenerative practices with permaculture values to improve the landscape (water, fire mitigation), support and foster local ecology, grow and raise healthy, organic food for Boulder County, conduct safe and educational research and experimentation upon the land, and more. See how you can get involved! https://www.dar.eco/get-involved
This event involved educational farm tours of Elk Run and Yellow Barn Farm, and ended with an Artisan Market, where Karen had an outdoor booth along with many other fabulous local crafters and businesses. Karen sold her birds and mammal oracle decks, fine art prints, "Save The Bees!" Coloring Books, as well as her handmade earrings and wire-wrapped pendants. It's one thing to sell your products at a vendor event, and it's another to do so whilst surrounded by a heartfelt, grounded, and humble community with aligned values.
Into the Wild Race at the Wild Animal Sanctuary

Date: 6/3/23
Time: 7-10am
Location: The Wild Animal Sanctuary
2999 County Road 53
Keenesburg, CO 80643
Admission: Donation-Based
Link: https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/into-the-wild-running-festival
Karen was ecstatic to be back to The Wild Animal Sanctuary's "Into The Wild" Run for the second time! This giant annual race that raises money for the Wild Animal Sanctuary--one of the biggest animal sanctuaries in the country! Thousands of animal lovers far and wide participate in this event; in addition to seeing their hundreds of rescued animals on the property, attendees get to enjoy a memorable day and workout with loved ones. It was a joy to interact with so many caring people, most especially those that work/volunteer for the sanctuary! Despite the rain and unexpected, awkward parking lot location (but no mud, so yay!), it was a great event with an impressive turnout, all things considered. Karen sold her typical wares: birds and mammal oracle decks, fine art prints of all of her artworks, and "Save The Bess!" Coloring Books.
To thank this fantastic organization for all that they do (and for having me!), as well as raise money for their rescue work, Karen donated some of her artistic services. Specifically, she was given two authentic, hollow ostrich eggs (from their resident ostriches!) to paint, and then return to the sanctuary to sell in their shop. Isn't that the coolest?? Karen also gives a huge shoutout and thanks to her partner who was an immense and instrumental help through the whole process of setting up, selling, and taking down. To learn more about the Wild Animal Sanctuary, click here: https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/about-us

Body, Mind, Spirit - Spring 2023
Date: 3/17 - 3/19/2023
Time: Fri 1pm-9pm
Sat 10am-7pm
Sun 10am-6pm
Location: Crowne Plaza Denver Airport Convention Center
15500 E 40th Ave
Denver, CO 80239
Admission: $10 daily

This colossal annual metaphysical event hosts over one hundred practitioners and artisans on one weekend, drawing the masses to this unique event with people of all kinds. Karen experienced Round #7 as a BMSE vendor! She was present on all three days as a vendor, selling originals, prints, her Mammals AND new Birds Animal Essence Oracle Card Decks, her Save The Bees Coloring Books, as well as her new addition of handmade jewelry (wire-wrapped crystal pendants, and handmade dangle earrings with crystals and humanely-sourced feathers)! This will be Karen's last time at this particular show for multiple reasons, but stay tuned to see her other events! And lastly, thank you kindly to her immensely supportive loved ones who assisted her in setting up, vending, and taking down Karen's booth; each and every one of you are extremely appreciated!!
Katie's Night Gala 2022
Date: 12/4/22
Time: 5pm-9pm
Location: Reelworks Denver
1399 35th St
Denver, CO 80205
Admission: $25-50
Link: https://www.katieadamsonconservationfund.org/katiesnight2022
Katie's Night was finally back post-COVID, and this was their most successful event to date! Hundreds of animal lovers and patrons attend this fancy fundraising event, raising money for the incredible animal conservation efforts led by KACF. Three drawings of Karen's were up for auction, one of the endangered Nepalese Pangolin, the endangered Musk Deer, and the Giant Panda Bear. This was also Karen's first official event where she sold her freshly printed bird oracle decks! Karen was so honored to once again be invited to this event, as well as so grateful to be working with and around some of the most inspiring, caring people--of whom are just as passionate about preserving our natural world as she is. To learn more about the Katie Adamson Conservation Fund, please visit: http://www.katieadamsonconservationfund.org/

Affordable Arts Festival 2022
Date: 8/28/22
Time: 9am-3pm
Location: Arapahoe Community College
5900 S. Santa Fe Dr.
Littleton, CO 80120
Admission: $12
Karen was thrilled when she found out that she got accepted into this popular juried show! And one that reflects her values of art being not just for the wealthy, but for everyone! All art sold at this show must be $100 or less in the medium you juried for. Income made from ticket sales for this event go towards community college scholarships, so it's an added bonus for attendees to know they are supporting the local arts and accessible higher education!
Karen displayed and sold dozens of original paintings and drawings, a good portion of them being bird portraits (created specifically for her birds oracle deck!), as well as a succulent series she painted just for this show. Customers really were getting some incredible deals for some of these detailed originals! She was also pleased to add her old work into the mix as well, artwork that otherwise sits around in storage and takes up space, rather than being appreciated in someone's home! This was the most successful event Karen has done to-date, and she certainly intends to come back next year with new artwork in tow! Karen also gives a huge shoutout and thanks to her partner who was an immense and instrumental help through the whole process of setting up, selling, and taking down her booth--it's a huge venture!
To learn more about the Affordable Arts Festival scholarships: https://affordableartsfestival.com/impact

Into the Wild Race at the Wild Animal Sanctuary
Date: 6/11/22
Time: 7-11am
Location: The Wild Animal Sanctuary
2999 County Road 53
Keenesburg, CO 80643
Admission: Donation-Based
Link: https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/into-the-wild-running-festival

This was Karen's first shot at this incredible opportunity; vending at a giant annual race that raises money for the Wild Animal Sanctuary! Thousands of animal lovers far and wide participate in this event; in addition to seeing their hundreds of rescued animals on the property, attendees get to enjoy a memorable day and workout with loved ones. It was a joy to interact with so many caring people, most especially those that work/volunteer for the sanctuary!
To thank this fantastic organization for all that they do (and for having me!), as well as raise money for their rescue work, Karen donated some of her artistic services. Specifically, she was given two authentic, hollow ostrich eggs (from their resident ostriches!) to paint, and then return to the sanctuary to sell in their shop. Isn't that the coolest?? Stay tuned, you will see pictures of the painted ostrich eggs before next year's event on her "Artwork" page! Karen also gives a huge shoutout and thanks to her partner who was an immense and instrumental help through the whole process of setting up, selling, and taking down. To learn more about the Wild Animal Sanctuary, click here: https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/about-us
Rock of Apes VI

Date: 4/16/22
Time: 5:30-11:30pm
Location: Wellshire Event Center
3333 South Colorado Boulevard
Denver, CO 80222
Admission: $60
Link: http://rockofapes.com/
Rock of Apes VI was another jam-packed night of fun, delicious food, awesome rock music by PHOENIX (the best cover band in Vegas!), dancing, and most importantly, philanthrophy. Ape experts talked about their crucial scientific research, efforts to protect apes, as well as the problems that apes face in our world. The proceeds from the silent auction as well as the event itself went directly supporting great ape conservation! Karen did a live drawing of a silverback gorilla and donated it along with another work (courtesy of KACF who commissioned me for it) to the live auction (splitting the proceeds). Additionally, Karen sold her decks, cards, and prints. With that, she is so thankful to her dear friend who greaty supported her and helped customers while Karen was live-drawing! To learn more about Rock of Apes, please visit: http://www.rockofapes.com/