-----Past Events-----
Holiday Pop-Ups at Staufer Realty

Date: Fri, Sat, Sun
11/15/2019 - 1/5/2020
Time: 10am-4pm
Location: Staufer Team Real Estate
932 Main St
Louisville, CO 80027
Admission: Free!
Karen could not possibly have had a better time with a group of incredible, talented local vendors selling her products and making art live at the Staufer Real Estate Team in Downtown Louisville! Staufer Realty hosted a real Santa Claus for the kids, an incredible array of cookies for the Louisville Lights Parade, and of course, us humble vendors to sell our products, every weekend during the holiday season. Karen worked on commissioned works as well as her heron painting for her birds deck while she was selling. While 2020 is out due to the pandemic, she really hopes she has the opportunity to do this again and enjoy time and space with the local vendor community during the holiday season!
Checkout the other vendors who attended this event!:
Love, Dani: https://www.lovedani.com/
Foster Handmade: https://foster-handmade.com/
No Frills Candles: https://www.nofrillscandles.com/
Martha's Closet: https://www.facebook.com/Marthas-Closet-108457254232321/


The Butterfly Pavilion's Holiday Bazaar
Date: 11/23/19
Time: 6pm-9pm
Location: The Butterfly Pavilion
6252 W 104th Ave
Westminster, CO 80020
Admission: $2

This has to be one of Karen's all-time favorite vendor opportunities; what an incredible opportunity it was for her to sell her animal products at a place that so wonderfully supports animals (let alone invertebrates, which often don't get the attention they deserve)! And if that wasn't enough, Karen got a spot right next to the Butterfly Pavilion's beehive--she got to sell her "Save the Bees!" books right next to actual bees! Wow!! The Butterfly Pavilion hosted this fabulous event to raise money for RMAAZK, a non-profit that supports local zookeepers. Both vendor booth fees as well as 15% of Karen's product profits went to RMAAZK. To learn more about RMAAZK: http://www.rmaazk.org/ To learn more about The Butterfly Pavilion: https://butterflies.org/

The Divine Canine Fall Festival

Date: 10/26/19
Time: 10am-4pm
Location: The Divine Canine
2103 N 96th St
Louisville, CO 80027
Admission: Free!
Karen had a fabulous time collaborating with The Divine Canine, a wonderful doggie daycare facility in Louisville! Their Fall Festival consisted of a humble gathering of vendors, as well as food trucks, raffles, and live music. Karen sold her prints, greeting cards, oracle decks, bee coloring books, and especially advertised her pet commissions in preparation for the holiday season! To learn more about Divine Canine: https://www.divinecanine.com/
Wildlife Protection Solutions App Event
Date: 10/24/2019
Time: 6-9pm
Location: Four Winds Interactive
1221 Broadway St
Denver, CO 80203
Admission: Free!

Karen was elated to collaborate with the fabulous Wildlife Protection Solutions, a fabulous NGO that sets up camera and video equipment in high-risk poaching areas around the world to catch poachers in the act, working to protect precious endangered species. This wonderful event was to announce their app that anyone can download to see photos taken in these areas in real-time, to help WPS catch poachers! Karen had a small vendor booth to sell her decks, coloring books, and prints! To learn more about WPS and their app, visit: https://wildlifeprotectionsolutions.org/wpsapps/
World Rhino Day 2019
Date: 9/22/19
Time: 11am-6pm
Location: Epic Brewery
3001 Walnut St
Denver, CO
Admission: Free!
Link: https://rinoartdistrict.org/do/world-rhino-day-with-baby-rhino-rescue
Karen was very honored to collaborate with the altruistic Baby Rhino Rescue Organization and Katie Adamson Conservation Fund to celebrate World Rhino Day at Epic Brewery in Denver! Karen had her framed baby rhino drawing live-auctioned off to the crowd, with a large portion of the process donated to rhino conservation efforts! She also was grateful to display and sell her card decks, prints, greeting cards, and coloring books! To learn more about the Baby Rhino Rescue Organization: https://babyrhinorescue.org/

Body, Mind, Spirit Expo - Fall 2019
Date: 9/6 - 9/8/2019
Time: Fri 1pm-9pm
Sat 10am-7pm
Sun 10am-6pm
Location: Denver Mart
451 E 58th Ave
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: $7 daily
Link: http://www.bmse.net/bmseweb/event/eventhome.php?eid=296
This colossal annual metaphysical event hosts over one hundred practitioners and artisans on one weekend, drawing the masses to this joyous place of wonder and healing. Karen experienced Round #6 as a BMSE vendor! She was present on all three days as a vendor, selling originals, prints, greeting cards, her Animal Essence Oracle Card Decks, her Save The Bees Coloring Books, as well as some brand new paintings!
Katie's Night 2019

Date: 6/22/19
Time: 5pm-9pm
Location: National Western Complex
4655 Humboldt St
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: $25-50
Link: https://www.katieadamsonconservationfund.org/katies-night
Philanthrophy is the foundation of the annual Katie's Night, where dozens of artisans donate their time and services to attract the crowds and raise funds for the Katie Adamson Conservation Fund, which supports animal conservation. At this event, Karen is coming back for a third year in a row to do live art! Karen was so honored to once again be working with and around some of the most inspiring, caring people, of whom are just as passionate about preserving our natural world as she is. To learn more about the Katie Adamson Conservation Fund, please visit: http://www.katieadamsonconservationfund.org/


Running Wild Race 2019
Date: 6/23/19
Time: 8am-1pm
Location: Regis University
3333 Regis Blvd
Denver, CO 80221
Admission: $25

Running Wild is a USATF-Certified 5K and 1-mile Fun Run to help prevent the extinction of endangered African Wildlife. The collections from this fundraiser go directly to support wonderful organizations such as the WPS (Wildlife Protection Solutions), Fundimevlo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage, and the David Sheldrike Wildlife Trust. Karenwas very happily one of a handful of vendors at the event and sold her prints, greeting cards, coloring books, and oracle card decks. To learn more about Running Wild, please visit: http://runningwildrace.org/
Rock of Apes V
Date: 5/4/19
Time: 5:30-11:30pm
Location: Wellshire Event Center
3333 South Colorado Boulevard
Denver, CO 80222
Admission: $60
Link: http://rockofapes.com/
Rock of Apes V is going to be another jam-packed night of fun, delicious food, awesome rock music by PHOENIX (the best cover band in Vegas!), dancing, and most importantly, philanthropy. Ape experts talked about their crucial scientific research, efforts to protect apes, as well as the problems that apes face in our world. The proceeds from the silent auction as well as the event itself went directly supporting great ape conservation! Karen painted a live painting of a baby orangutan, and donated it along with other works to the live auction (splitting the proceeds). Additionally, Karen sold her decks, cards, and prints. To learn more about Rock of Apes, please visit: http://www.rockofapes.com/


Center for Great Apes - Member Event 2019
Date: 3/30/2019
Time: TBA
Location: Center for Great Apes
Wauchula, FL
Admission: Members Only
Link: http://www.centerforgreatapes.org/who-we-are/news-events/

The Center for Great Apes is normally closed to the public, but for those who are members and donate to this exceptional facility, they can participate in the member events that are hosted within CGA grounds! Karen was sponsored by the very generous Ronna Phelps to live-paint Jam, one of the resident orangutans, at this very member event. Being able to create artwork live in the presence of actual rescued orangutans and chimpanzees is a memory that Karen will never forget. These rescued apes each have a unique and often harrowing story of where they started their journey before arriving to the haven that is CGA; to learn more about this extraordinary facility and/or to donate to CGA, please visit their website! http://www.centerforgreatapes.org/

First Friday Louisville Artwalk

Date: 11/2/18 & 12/7/18 (Art up through 2021!)
Time: 6-9pm
Location: Staufer Team Real Estate
932 Main St
Louisville, CO 80027
Admission: Free!
Karen is extremely honored to have her Rocky Mountain Wildlife series up at the Staufer Real Estate Team in Downtown Louisville! Karen was joined by several lovely artists who ecstatically shared their work as well. While Karen was there selling her originals and merchandise the first event, she will be out of town for the second event--but her originals will be there (through 2021!), in addition to the fantastic creations by other artists to view at Staufer Real Estate, so it's worth a trip! If you can't make it to either of the First Fridays, feel free to come in during their open hours to view Karen's artwork Rocky Mountain Wildlife series, and read about both the scientific and spiritual significance behind each animal.

Body, Mind, Spirit Expo - Spring 2019
Date: 3/15/19-3/17/2018
Time: 3/15 Fri 1pm-9pm
3/16 Sat 10am-7pm
3/17 Sun 10am-6pm
Location: Denver Mart
451 E 58th Ave
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: $7 daily
Link: http://www.bmse.net/bmseweb/event/eventhome.php?eid=280
This colossal annual metaphysical event hosts over one hundred practitioners and artisans on one weekend, drawing the masses to this joyous place of wonder and healing. Karen had experienced Round #5 as a BMSE vendor! She was present on all three days as a vendor, selling originals, prints, greeting cards, her Animal Essence Oracle Card Decks, and released her brand new bee coloring books!
Endangered Exhibition - Miami Art Basel 2018
Date: 12/5/18-12/8/18
Time: 12/5 Wed 2pm-9pm
12/6 Thurs 2pm-9pm
12/7 Fri 2pm-9pm
12/8 Sat 11am-9pm
Location: Dade Heritage Trust
190 SE 12th Terrace
Miami, FL 33131
Admission: TBA
Link: http://www.themiamiartscene.com/event/endangered-art4apes-fine-art-photography-exhibition/
Karen gives a huge shoutout of gratitude to Ronna Phelps of Rock of Apes for both connecting Karen with this amazing opportunity as well as fully sponsoring her travels to this amazing event! Karen not only live-painted/drew portraits of endangered animals all four days of the ENDANGERED event, but she also taught a class for children on drawing animals! Art Basel is a city-wide celebration of the arts, and the Center for Great Apes is hosting ENDANGERED to share their work with the public, in addition to all artists donating a portion of their commission to the cause! Karen is beyond grateful to have collaborated with Center for Great Apes and all of the incredible volunteers that dedicated tremendous amounts of time and energy toward throwing this fabulous show.
ENDANGERED: Art4Apes | www.Art4Apes.com | @Art4Apes
Photography and Videography © Jon Norris 2018 | www.jonnnorrisphotog.com | @jonnorrisphotog


Center for Great Apes 25th Anniversary

Date: 11/10/18
Time: 7-9:30pm
Location: Key Biscayne Beach Club
685 Ocean Drive
Key Biscayne, FL 33149
Admission: $75
Link: http://www.centerforgreatapes.org/who-we-are/news-events/
Karen gives a huge shoutout of gratitude to Ronna Phelps of Rock of Apes for both connecting Karen with this amazing opportunity as well as fully sponsoring her travels to this amazing event! Karen was ecstatic to do live artwork of Butch, one the ape residents of the Center for Great Apes for their 25th Anniversary! Butch used to be both a lab chimp and circus chimp, so he endured double the trauma that many of the residents have experienced in their past. The painting was sold to the live auction with a large portion of the proceeds going to CGA; it was purchased by the exceptional primatologist and eco-activist Robert Ingersoll, who Karen was elated to meet let alone have her artwork in his household! Karen also sold oracle decks, greeting cards, and prints, with a portion of those earnings donated to CGA as well. This event was a beautiful tribute to the many people who made tremendous sacrifices to provide safe, spacious, and comfortable housing for these poor creatures who have been used and abused by humanity. To learn more about the Center for Great Apes and their extraordinary facility, please visit: http://www.centerforgreatapes.org/

Body, Mind, Spirit Expo - Fall 2018
Date: 9/7/18 - 9/9/18
Time: 9/7 Fri 1pm-9pm
9/8 Sat 10am-7pm
9/9 Sun 10am-6pm
Location: Denver Mart
451 E 58th Ave
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: $7 daily
Link: http://www.bmse.net/bmseweb/event/event
Date: 9/7-9/9
Time: 9 Fri 1pm-9pm
TBA Sat 10am-7pm
TBA Sun 10am-6pm
Location: Denver Mart
451 E 58th Ave
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: $7 daily
Link: http://www.bmse.net/bmseweb/event/eventhome.php?eid=267
This colossal annual metaphysical event hosts over one hundred practitioners and artisans on one weekend, drawing the masses to this joyous place of wonder and healing. Karen had experienced Round #4 as a BMSE vendor! She was present on all three days as a vendor, selling originals, prints, greeting cards, and her Animal Essence Oracle Card Decks! Karen also had another speech which was about animal spirit medicine, climate change, ecology, why we need to care about the earth, and what we can do to do so.
Solo Exhibition at Nederland's Salto

Date: 7/1/2018 - 7/31-2018
Time: Opening Night July 6th, 5-9pm
Location: Salto
112 E 2nd St
Nederland, CO 80466
Admission: Free!
Salto Coffee Works is a stunning, contemporary business that serves high-end coffee and the tastiest gourmet food. This business is always thinking forward and looking to change and improve upon what they have built. One way that they do this is by exhibiting an artist's work on their spacious walls and high-ceilings each month. I was chosen to be their featured artist for July 2018! I al lucky to have had a variety of my work on their beautiful walls for hundreds to see. My exhibition was called, "Rocky Mountain Wildlife," and had both drawings and paintings that feature the amazing animals we find locally.

Running Wild Race 2018

Date: 6/23/18
Time: 8am-1pm
Location: Regis University
3333 Regis Blvd
Denver, CO 80221
Admission: $25

Running Wild is a USATF-Certified 5K and 1-mile Fun Run to help prevent the extinction of endangered African Wildlife. The collections from this fundraiser go directly to support wonderful organizations such as the WPS (Wildlife Protection Solutions), Fundimevlo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage, and the David Sheldrike Wildlife Trust. Karen was back a second time in a row to be one of a handful of vendors at the event and sold her originals, prints, greeting cards, and oracle card decks. To learn more about Running Wild, please visit: http://runningwildrace.org/
Katie's Night 2018
Date: 6/3/18
Time: 5pm-9pm
Location: National Western Complex
4655 Humboldt St
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: $25-50

Philanthrophy is the foundation of the annual Katie's Night, where dozens of artisans donate their time and services to attract the crowds and raise funds for the Katie Adamson Conservation Fund, which supports animal conservation. At this event, Karen came back for a second year in a row to do live art! This year, she painted Sudan, the last male Northern white rhino, who was photographed on a stormy day before he died on March 20th, 2018. The painting and a leopard drawing were sold through the silent auction, with half of the proceeds donated to Katie's Night. Karen was so honored to once again be working with and around some of the most inspiring, caring people, of whom are just as passionate about preserving our natural world as she is. To learn more about the Katie Adamson Conservation Fund, please visit: http://www.katieadamsonconservationfund.org/

Rock of Apes IV

Date: 5/5/18
Time: 5:30-11:30pm
Location: Wellshire Event Center
3333 South Colorado Boulevard
Denver, CO 80222
Admission: $60
Link: http://rockofapes.com/
Rock of the Apes IV was a jam-packed night of fun, delicious food, awesome rock music by PHOENIX (the best cover band in Vegas!), dancing, and most importantly, philanthrophy. Ape experts talked about their crucial scientific research, as well as the problems that apes face in our world. The proceeds from the silent auction as well as the event itself went directly supporting great ape conservation! Karen painted a live painting of a gorilla and donated it along with four other artwords to the silent auction (splitting the proceeds). Additionally, Karen sold her decks, cards, and prints. To learn more about Rock of Apes, please visit: http://www.rockofapes.com/

Body, Mind, Spirit Expo - Loveland Spring 2018
Date: 4/21/18 - 4/22/18
Time: 4/21 Sat 10am-7pm
4/22 Sun 10am-6pm
Location: The Ranch South Hall
5280 Arena Circle
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: $7 daily
Link: http://www.bmse.net/bmseweb/event/eventhome.php?eid=265
While the Loveland BMSE is smaller and more intimate than the Denver BMSE, Karen was just as ecstatic for Round #4 as a BMSE vendor than always! There were many of practitioners and artisans to see on this one weekend, drawing plenty to this joyous place of wonder and healing. She was present both days as a vendor, selling originals, prints, greeting cards, and her Animal Essence Oracle Card Decks!
Body, Mind, Spirit Expo - Denver Spring 2018
Date: 3/16/18 - 3/18/18
Time: 3/16 Fri 1pm-9pm
3/17 Sat 10am-7pm
3/18 Sun 10am-6pm
Location: Denver Mart
451 E 58th Ave
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: $7 daily
Link: http://www.bmse.net/bmseweb/event/event
This colossal annual metaphysical event hosts over one hundred practitioners and artisans on one weekend, drawing the masses to this joyous place of wonder and healing. Karen was ecstatic for Round #2 as a BMSE vendor! She was present on all three days as a vendor, selling originals, prints, greeting cards, and her Animal Essence Oracle Card Decks! Karen also spoke for the second time for the BMSE; she included a lot of information on animal spirit medicine as well as how the animals (and the Earth!) are calling on us to open our eyes to climate change, and how we can take action.

Sunday Sanctuary: A Wholistic Arts Convergence

Date: 3/4/18
Time: 11am-6pm
Location: McNichols Building
144 E Colfax Ave (at Bannock)
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: Free!
Date: 3/4/18
Time: 11am-6pm
Location: McNichols Building
144 E Colfax Ave (at Bannock)
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: Free!
If you were looking for a community event of healers, artists, creatives, leaders, and more, this was the event to go to! There was be live painting, plenty of practioners of all kinds to book sessions, and a wide variety of goods sold. Karen was invited to be a part of this wonderful event by the extraordinarily kind Kaewyn of Denver's Herbs & Arts! Karen was at the Herbs & Arts Table to sell and sign her Animal Essence Oracle Cards: Mammals.

Live Painting with Phish Cover Band!
Date: Thursdays; 1/11/18, 1/25/18
Time: 9pm-2am
Location: Be On Key Psychedelic Ripple
1700 Logan Street
Denver, CO 80203
Admission: Free! (21+ only)
Link: http://www.beonkeys.com/

The world of live painting just keeps on calling Karen to new venues--this fantastic event is a fun, casual opportunity to free-paint whatever we desire, as long as it's along the psychedelic theme, of course. Karen live paints along with the very talented Khris Keller (http://www.nothelen.com) and fabulous live Phish cover band, Phour Point O (https://www.facebook.com/PhourPointO/)! This casual, fun, and vibrant setting is a spectacular place to get the creative muse on while enjoying sharing the space with the unique and humble people that also come for a joyful, music-filled evening.

Boulder Holiday Gift Festival

Date: 12/10/17
Time: 11am-5pm
Location: Mapleton Center YMCA
2850 Mapleton
Boulder CO, 80301
Admission: Free!
Link: https://www.coloradoevents.org/boulder-holiday-gift-festival
The tradition of the Boulder Holiday Gift Festival is marked at its eleventh year this year! Year after year, hundreds of Boulderites congregate at the Mapleton YMCA, in search of the most perfect Christmas gifts. Good thing there's over a hundred booths filled with local artisans and their crafts, providing a wide selection! Karen did her best to support the holiday cheer at her booth to sell her oracle card decks, greeting cards, and prints. She had a wonderful time engaging with the lovely visitors and friendly fellow vendors, not to mention anticipating the wonderful holiday to come along with other holiday lovers.

Local Craft Bazaar at Nederland's Salto
Date: 11/1/17 & 11/15/17
Time: 4-7pm
Location: Salto
112 E 2nd St
Nederland, CO 80466
Admission: Free!

Salto Coffee Works is a stunning, contemporary business that serves high-end coffee and the tastiest gourmet food. Located up in Nederland, CO, this progressive business pulls audiences from all over the Rocky Mountains, as well as from Boulder, CO. Salto greatly supports the arts and is hosting two separate evenings that are dedicated to local artisans! Karen is ecstatic to have a small table selling her Animal Essence Oracle Card Decks during these events.
Barktober Fest 2017

Humans have their own farmer's markets, but what about dogs? Romero's K9 Club is a dog friendly bar that is hosting this exciting celebration in honor of dogs, in which all sorts of dog-related vendors will be present. As many people cherish hand-drawn portraits of their own pets, Karen advertised her commission work at this awesome event, as well as her other merchandise. The owners at Romero's K9 Club are among the loveliest people to work with, and Karen is definitely interested in perhaps doing pop-ups with them in the future!
Date: 9/23/17
Time: 3pm-7pm
Location: Romero's K9 Club
985 S Public Road
Lafayette, CO 80026
Admission: Free!

Body, Mind, Spirit Expo - Denver Fall 2017
Date: 9/8/17 - 9/10/17
Time: 9/8 Fri 1pm-9pm
9/9 Sat 10am-7pm
9/10 Sun 10am-6pm
Location: Denver Mart
451 E 58th Ave
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: $7 daily
Date: 9/8/17 - 9/10/17
Time: 9/8 Fri 1pm-9pm
9/9 Sat 10am-7pm
9/10 Sun 10am-6pm
Location: Denver Mart
451 E 58th Ave
Denver, CO 80216
Admission: $7 daily

This colossal annual metaphysical event hosts over one hundred practitioners and artisans on one weekend, drawing the masses to this joyous place of wonder and healing. Karen was present on all three days as a vendor, selling originals, prints, greeting cards, and most significantly, had released her animal oracle card decks for the very first time! Karen was also been honored with the privilege to speak live about her work and bring light to the spiritual connection between us and all of nature.

Katie's Night 2017
Date: 8/29/17
Time: 5pm-9pm
Location: Comedy Works Denver
5345 Landmark Pl
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Admission: $20-50
Philanthrophy is the foundation of the annual Katie's Night, where dozens of artists, comedians, and musicians donate their time and services to attract the crowds and raise funds for animal conservation. Karen drew a live portrait on-the-spot of a baby elephant at this incredible event. The drawing was auctioned off, in addition to several donated originals of hers. Also, she sold her greeting cards and prints. Karen was so honored to be working with and around some of the most inspiring, caring people, of whom are just as passionate about preserving our natural world as she is.

Running Wild Race 2017
Date: 6/17/17
Time: 8am-1pm
Location: Regis University
3333 Regis Blvd
Denver, CO 80221
Admission: $25

Running Wild is a USATF-Certified 5K and 1-mile Fun Run to help prevent the extinction of endangered African Wildlife. The collections from this fundraiser go directly to support wonderful organizations such as the WPS (Wildlife Protection Solutions), Fundimevlo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage, and the David Sheldrike Wildlife Trust. Karen was one of a handful of vendors at the event, and sold her original artwork of African wildlife, as well as greeting cards and prints.
Sedona Wolf Week 2017

Date: 4/20/17 - 4/23/17
Time: 9am - 7pm, all three days
Location: Poco Diablo Resort
1752 AZ-179
Sedona, AZ 86336
Admission: Free!
Link: https://www.planb.foundation/News/4/sedona-wolf-week-april-20--23-2017
Not everyone is aware of the handful of grave issues that wolves and wolfdogs face here in North America. At Sedona Wolf Week 2017, many experts on the subject of wolves came to speak of the complexity of these problems and educate all who came to listen. Additionally, members of the Apex's Foundations pack of rescued wolf dogs attended to share their stories and raise money for their important cause with an auction and wolfdog meet-and-greets. In addition to contributing to the silent auction, Karen was one of the vendors who displayed her wolf series--made specially for this event--and sold them along with her prints and greeting cards.